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439 search results for: mchs


Humber River Walk begins at 10:30 am on Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015. MCHS ’60s Reunion Brunch begins at 11:00 am.

Click on each image to enlarge it; click again to enlarge it further Please let Jaan Pill know – at or by text at 416-722-6630 – if you plan to attend the MCHS ’60s Reunion Brunch at Old Mill Toronto, at $35 a person. We need to let the Old Mill Restaurant know – by […]


Has there been or will there ever be an MCHS 1981 reunion? Does anybody know?

There’s been an interesting recent question posted at the Malcolm Campbell High School Grads Facebook Group. The question is: “Has there been or will there ever be an 1981 reunion?” That’s an interesting question. I don’t know the answer. I like the question because, from my perspective as a volunteer event organizer, one event is […]


Soryl (Shulman) Rosenberg, who taught at MCHS in the 1960s will be attending the MCHS 2015 reunion and will make a brief presentation

The most recent MCHS ’60s Reunion Attendee List (as of Oct. 1) can be accessed here. I’m pleased to say that Soryl (Shulman) Rosenberg, who taught at MCHS and is very close in age to the students that she taught in the early and mid 1960s, will be attending. She will make a brief presentation […]


MCHS 2015: If you have a choice regarding mall destinations, while in Toronto, Sherway Gardens is a good option

The Stay Inn is the hotel, close to Sherway Gardens and not far from Cloverdale Mall. where a number MCHS grads and spouses will be staying on the weekend of the Oct. 17, 2015 MCHS ’60s Reunion. I’ve recently been involved in a Facebook discussion concerning which mall would be worth visiting, if you had to […]


An informal get-together for MCHS 2015 attendees (and other MCHS grads) will take place on Oct. 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Stay Inn

Conference Room at Stay Inn On Sept. 21, 2015 we received confirmation that the Conference Room at the Stay Inn is indeed available for us starting at 7:30 pm on Friday evening, Oct. 16, 2015. At that time and location, we will have an informal getting-together of alumni and spouses who will be attending the reunion on the […]