Entries by Jaan Pill

What documentary is and isn’t

I’ve discussed in an earlier post the influence that a summer spend working at the National Film Board during the Second World War had on Erving Goffman. I was delighted to read an April 11, 2014 New York Times article entitled: “Documentaries have always been fake.” I enjoyed the New Yorker article. Here’s an excerpt: […]

Manhattan Community Board 5 focuses on shadows cast on Central Park

The following message is from Peggy Moulder of the Lakeshore Planning Council Corporation: The town hall, which was organized by Manhattan Community Board 5, was focused on the long, dark shadows that these new tall buildings will cast deep into Central Park. Read article that follows: http://archpaper.com/news/articles.asp?id=7166 Similarly, the Mimico Secondary Plan will put the Mimico Linear Park […]

Flash Boys is about a small group of Wall Street guys who figure out that the U.S. stock market has been rigged for the benefit of insiders

I learned of “Flash Boys” when I heard an interview with Michael Lewis on CBC Radio’s The Current. The blurb below is from Flash Boys by Michael Lewis. The following blurb for Flash Boys, which features a Canadian connection, as one of the Wall Street guys – Brad Katsuyama – is from Markham, Ontario, is […]

Artisano Bakery event with George Takach will take place at 10:00 am Saturday, April 12, 2014. You are cordially invited to attend.

The purpose of this post is to invite you, as a visitor to my website, to a meeting with George Takach, who is running for the federal Liberal nomination in the Etobicoke-Lakeshore riding. I support the Liberals provincially and federally. Among other things, the Parkview School story turned out beautifully thanks to the decision by […]

Town of New Toronto: Soldiers of The First World War (website mentioned by Colleen O’Marra)

Colleen O’Marra writes: There’s a fascinating site called Town of New Toronto:Soldiers of The First World War.So many young men from 6th to 9th Street signed up.Young men who worked as gardeners at the old Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, tailors, apprentices, mill workers…all killed overseas. There is also a site for the men of Mimico complete […]