Entries by Jaan Pill

Ontario Power Authority urges residents to be wary if someone wants to inspect your furnace – March 19, 2014 Etobicoke Guardian

A Match 19, 2014 Etobicoke Guardian article is entitled: “Ontario Power Authority urges residents to be wary if someone wants to inspect your furnace.” An October 2012 blog post about door to door energy scams is among the most visited pages, according to data from Google Analytics, at the Preserved Stories website. I owe thanks to […]

Cartierville School brings to mind other Montreal schools – Parkdale, Elmgrove, Morison, Laurentide, High School of Montreal, and Malcolm Campbell High School

Updates A May 2017 CBC interactive webpage is entitled: “Montreal is 375 years old, but how old are its buildings?” A May 17, 2017 Montreal Gazette article is entitled: “Montreal’s history did not start 375 years ago.” [End]   I was very pleased to receive a comment from Yvonne regarding a previous post about Cartierville […]

“Reset TO” – March 18, 2014 Open House and Public Meeting at Etobicoke Civic Centre. Also that day: Lakeview Waterfront Community Workshop

Text from City of Toronto website The following text, featuring information about upcoming Open Houses, is from the Reset TO page at the City of Toronto website (the page also includes a a Reset TO toolkit in PDF format): To “reset” means to begin again with the same basic principles or context while following a […]

Point of information regarding Local Appeal Body notifications

I am pleased to share the following information, from Councillor Mark Grimes’ office, in reference to a comment made in an earlier blog post concerning notifications related to the ongoing Local Appeal Body consultation meetings. The information about the LAB consultations has been on Councillor Grimes’ website since February 2014. The notifications about the Local […]

Photos from New Toronto Lawn Bowling Club at 153 Lakeshore Drive, formed in 1901

I’m very pleased to share with you two photos that I have received by email from Councillor Mark Grimes’ Office. Denise Harris of the Etobicoke Historical Society has identified the photos and shared a link where more information is available: http://www.newtorontohistorical.com/New%20Toronto%20Lawn%20Bowling.htm The club is over 110 years old. Additional information can be found here. I’m […]