Entries by Jaan Pill

Cultural conservation efforts in Ontario operate within a legislative framework

I had the good fortune to attend a cultural heritage workshop in Gravenhurst on April 26, 2012. At the workshop, Bert Duclos, heritage outreach consultant with the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, covered four topics: (1) What is cultural heritage value? (2) Establishing an effective muncipal heritage committee (3) Inventory, evaluation, and designation: […]

The blurring of boundaries between private and public

A city of one’s own (2008) addresses the distinction between what is private and what is public. The subtitle of the book is: “Blurring the boundaries between private and public.” Chapter 5, by Renaud Le Goix of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is entitled  “Gated communities: Generic patterns in suburban landscapes?” The chapter argues that “gated enclaves should not […]