Entries by Jaan Pill

Tree Walks and Jane’s Walks offer great opportunities for social media applications

The Jane’s Walks being planned for May 2012 in Long Branch, New Toronto, Mimico, and elsewhere will include a social media component. When we attended a Humber Valley Tree Walk in 2011, organized in commemoration of Hurricane Hazel, we video recorded brief segments of the walk and posted some of them to Facebook. Every tree tour needs a tour director to […]

The Journal of Fluency Disorders is a great resource for research related to stuttering

Abstracts from recent issues of the Journal of Fluency Disorders offer a great way to keep up to date on recent research about stuttering. The abstracts also offer highlights regarding recent research about the available treatment options for fluency disorders — including stuttering as well as cluttering. Science Direct also offers abstracts for a wide […]

Barn in background of 1920s Long Branch photo appears to be located on the Smith homestead

(Photo credit: Doris Durance. © Durance family and Robert Lansdale.) Left to right in photo above:  Connie Durance, Cyril Durance, George Durance, Rene Durance, and Florence Morrel. We owe thanks to Barbara Durance for sharing this photo, taken about 1925, with us. The image we have posted is from a 3-inch wide, highly faded photo from the 1920s. Robert […]

A Jane’s Walk is in the nature of a conversation

I spoke recently with Fanny Martin, Event Manager, Jane’s Walk. She mentioned something about Jane’s Walks that I find most appealing. She said that a Jane’s Walk is in the nature of a conversation. Everyone’s free to share a thought — it’s not some kind of top-down distribution of information. I like that aspect of the process […]