Creative Visualization (1979) by Shakti Gawain outlines how to create your inner sanctuary, in the event you need one

Vancouver’s missing middle: Dec. 14, 2020 Tyee article highlights videos by Uytae Lee scrutinizing housing gap, between glassy towers and detached houses

Some notes related to land use (New York, Mississauga, Toronto, and Stratford); Mississauga meme has been: “No Tall Towers on the Lake”; will the meme survive?

Data visualization shared by David Pritchard of Ottawa (Dec. 14, 2020) again helps us to better compare Covid infection rates in Canada, as compared to the United States

Dec. 13, 2020 Twitter thread from Yaneer Bar-Yam @yaneerbaryam who’s been working on pandemic outbreaks for 15 years

Jennifer Yang, Toronto Star (Dec. 13, 2020) presents mobility data, March 2020 and November 2020 lockdowns – THREAD

Michael Mizzi, a senior planning manager at the City of Toronto, was guest speaker at Long Branch Neighbourhood Association AGM, Nov. 18, 2020 – TRANSCRIPT

Michael Mizzi, a senior planning manager at City of Toronto, spoke about “missing middle” at Nov. 18, 2020 Long Branch Neighbourhood Association AGM

Strongly held belief systems largely untethered from data give rise to exponential increases in COVID-19 infection rates

Differences in COVID-19 infection rates depend on whether a given jurisdiction is, or is not, data-oriented