Language usage, as I am using the term (others will have different ways of using it), is concerned with how we use language for specified purposes. My study of language usage includes an interest in how power at times distorts language, because it has the power to do so. Language usage also concerns itself with the distinction between rhetoric and reality. As well, the category is concerned with the formal, systematic study of rhetoric, and with humanity’s attempts to define reality.
Swearing pulls on the emotional centres of the brain – I Swear (2017) by Emma Byrne
/0 Comments/in Language usage, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillA Nov. 24, 2017 CBC article is entitled – and I swear this is true – “‘Swearing is Good for You’: The evolutionary advantages of f-bombs.” The article refers to a book by Emma Byrne entitled: I Swear: The Surprising Science of Our Dirtiest Words (2017) I swear. Sometimes. Especially when I’m in either the […]
When I visit the USA, I adopt the mindset of “the foreign correspondent”
/5 Comments/in Commentary, Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillUpdate As noted in a comment at the end of this post, the flippant tone of my review of the Chicago Tribune “gentrification” article is perhaps not warranted. Accordingly, a tentative bottom line that occurs to me, influenced by the preface by Richard J. Evans in the first of his three books – his trilogy […]
My father’s photo album from 1936 Berlin Olympics prompts my reading of Richard J. Evans’s trilogy about Nazi Germany
/2 Comments/in Autobiography Stories - J. Pill, Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI have long been pondering how to approach the writing of a post about my late father’s 1936 Berlin Olympics photo album. The photo on the right was taken in Tartu, Estonia in 1936 or earlier. The photo, which is available online and is also featured in my father’s 1936 Berlin Olympics photo album, is of […]
Humber Bay Park Project – Building Concept
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Language usage, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillI’ve recently received a notice about a CCFEW Bird Walk. The notice includes a reference to the Humber Bay Park project. The text in the message refers to an Oct. 30, 2017 meeting about the Humber Bay Park architectural component. “The presentation materials are online,” the message notes, “but a bit difficult to find on […]
Alfred Ramcharan served as administrator at early 1960s External Aid Office conferences, while he studied education at Macdonald College and McGill
/4 Comments/in Commentary, Language usage, MCHS Stories, Newsletter/by Jaan PillByung-Chul Han is author of In the Swarm: Digital Prospects (2017) among other recent books
/0 Comments/in Language usage, Newsletter/by Jaan PillI have been reading In the Swarm: Digital Prospects (2017) in recent weeks. Today I need to return it to the Toronto Public Library. I look forward to placing a hold on again in future, so that I can read it further. The author is Byung-Chul Han; I look forward to reading other books by […]
Humber Bay Parks – Architectural Project Public Meeting Mon., Oct. 30, 2017 Mimico Library
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Language usage, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillFollowing message is from CCFEW (an organization that would hugely benefit from having a shorter and catchier name): Humber Bay Parks – Architectural Project Public Meeting Monday, October 30 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. & 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Mimico Centennial Public Library 47 Station Road, Lower Floor Auditorium This meeting on Monday is to present […]
Hansard transcript of Oct. 17, 2017 hearing at Queen’s Park regarding OMB Reform is now available
/0 Comments/in Commentary, Committee of Adjustment, Toronto Local Appeal Body, Local Planning Appeals Tribunal, Language usage, Long Branch, Long Branch Character Guidelines, Mississauga, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillThe Hansard transcript of the Bill 139 (OMB Reform) hearing at Queen’s Park on Oct. 17, 2017 hearing is now available. A transcript of the hearing on the same legislative topic, held the previous day on Oct. 16, is also available. By way of introducing the contents of the Oct. 17 hearing, which I attended in person, I’ve […]
Oakville mayor, Mississauga deputy city solicitor, and former Toronto chief planner speak out at Oct. 17, 2017 OMB Review hearing
/0 Comments/in Language usage, Long Branch, Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, Mississauga, Newsletter, Toronto/by Jaan PillUpdate A recent post is entitled: Hansard transcript of Oct. 17, 2017 hearing at Queen’s Park regarding OMB Reform is now available [End] I was very pleased to have the opportunity to attend a committee hearing at Queen’s Park on Oct. 17, 2017 regarding the Provincial government’s proposed OMB Reform legislation. I have sent in my own […]