Jane Jacobs contributed strongly to 1960s and 1970s intellectual currents

I recently came across a book, The Urban Wisdom of Jane Jacobs (2012), that positions Jane Jacobs as among the most influential thinkers who contributed to the intellectual currents of the 1960s and 1970s – “along,” as the book notes (p.2), “with Thomas Kuhn, Ian McHarg, Rachel Carson, Betty Friedan, John Rawls, to name a […]

Great day for planting perennials at Small Arms Building in Mississauga

In recent years I’ve written several blog posts about the history dating back to the 1940s, that is connected with the Small Arms Building, located at 1352 Lakeshore Road East at the foot of Dixie Road. Click here to access Heritage Mississauga overview of Small Arms Ltd. story > Originally dedicated to the inspection of […]

“Dancing to the Oldies” on Sunday, May 24, 2015 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm – 150 Eighth Street, New Toronto

Bob Petto will be the D.J. at an event entitled “Dancing to the Oldies” on Sunday, May 24, 2015 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The event takes place at the Royal Canadian Legion, 150 Eighth St., Etobicoke, first street west of Islington along Lake Shore Blvd. West, 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. It’s near the corner […]

The Housing Bomb (2013)

When I first came across The Housing Bomb: Why Our Addiction to Houses Is Destroying the Environment and Threatening Our Society (2013), I thought the title may be a marketing ploy to attract readers. My assumption was not valid, as I learned when I began to read the book. The concept of the housing bomb […]

Massive North York tree has been silent witness to regional history – May 16, 2015 Toronto Star

A May 16, 2015 Toronto Star article is entitled: “Massive North York tree has been silent witness to regional history: Amateur historian fears majestic red oak – possibly dating back to 1765 – could be chopped down by new homeowner.” The opening paragraphs read: “She wrote emails, left messages and when she finally got me, […]

Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up: CBC, May 15, 2015

A May 15, 2015 CBC article is entitled: “Etobicoke Creek mystery spill may take a week to clean up.” The opening paragraphs read: “Workers continued to clean up a mystery spill in Etobicoke Creek into the weekend – and to figure out just what caused it in the first place. “The spill, in the portion […]

Recent emails (Brian Liberty; Jennifer Keesmaat; David Godley) concerned with urgent Long Branch urban planning matters

On May 10, 2015 Brian Liberty of Long Branch wrote: Hello everyone, A happy Sunday to you, and Happy Mother’s day to those celebrating. On Friday, David Godley received an email (see below) from the City’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat in response to his meeting summary that was sent following the May 4th community meeting. […]

The real problem with America’s inner cities: May 10, 2015 New York Times article

Many perspective lend themselves to the study of what are called “inner cities.” Among the perspectives is evidence-based research including ethnographic research by Alice Goffman, the daughter of Erving Goffman. Another perspective relates to evidence-based research about North American drug laws. A May 10, 2015 New York Times article is entitled:”The Real Problem With America’s Inner […]

Globe and Mail series: Risks are associated with too much consumerism; risks are associated with too little of it

I’ve explored two related concepts in a May 9, 2015 Twitter post, which can be represented as follows: Consumerism fuels runaway spending Consumers in debt stop consuming, economic collapse looms Risks are associated with too much consumerism (in the sense of the compulsion to buy the newest electronic gadgets, bigger houses, and pricier cars) That is, a […]

Military history mural at Small Arms Building will be moved to building facade

Update The mural has been moved to the inside of the Small Arms Building. [End of update] Mural at Small Arms Building I have spoken about the mural at the front of the Small Arms Building in previous posts including this one: Long Branch Rifle Ranges, Small Arms Building, and the Arsenal Lands The mural […]