Lakeview in Mississauga looks like a good place to move to, in the event you are looking to move

Update: A recent post, regarding related topics, is entitled: Land sale brings Mississauga closer to a waterfront that avoids Toronto’s mistakes – Dec. 22, 2016 Globe and Mail [end]   We have a couple of good comments at a recent post entitled: If you receive a Notice from the Committee of Adjustment, here’s a Guide […]

Notes regarding your preparations for a Committee of Adjustment hearing

What follows is is a great resource for everyone in Long Branch, no matter where you happen to reside. The following overview if from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association. Things to think about Once built, new homes will affect you for as long as you live in the neighbourhood. You may want to think carefully […]

If you receive a Notice from the Committee of Adjustment, here’s a Guide to the Notice

In the text that follows we refer specifically to the 14 Villa Road application. Residents elsewhere in Toronto will also find this overview useful. A previous post, based on material from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, is entitled: If you receive a Notice from the Committee of Adjustment: 1) Guide to the Notice, 2) things […]

If you receive a Notice from the Committee of Adjustment, here’s (1) a Guide to the Notice & (2) things to think about (for residents nearby and elsewhere)

On the right is a drawing of one of the two buildings proposed for 14 Villa Road. 1. Guide to the public hearing Notice A resident on Villa Road has noted the document, which is from the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, is a a bit lengthy but it explains the meaning of the variances. You can […]

Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Review – Town Hall Meetings in Etobicoke, Nov. 9 & 16, 2016


In Situ Multi Arts Festival at the Small Arms Building, Oct. 27 to 29, 2016

I hope you can make it out to In Situ Multi Arts Festival from Oct. 27 to 29, 2016. It’s an event featuring art installations, jazz music and DJ. Special performance by Frog in Hand called Creature, an audience interactive experience through the building. BBQ & Cash Bar. It’s at the Small Arms Building at […]

Video Message from Dorothy, age 97, to the Etobicoke-York Committee of Adjustment, October 2016

How can you help Dorothy? Please share this video with your friends and neighbours. Please contact us through the Preserved Stories website if you have any questions or would like to help us in our community self-organizing efforts.  

Who are the Members of the Etobicoke-York Committee of Adjustment?

A previous post discusses who the Committee members are: Sept. 13, 2015 message from David Godley regarding conservation of Long Branch Update By way of an update, there are now only 4 members: Dominic Guili Megan McIver Ted Shepherd Allan Smithies The 5th member, Nathan Muscat, as I understand, is no longer a member. They […]

Re: Conserving Long Branch – October 2016 Update – David Godley

Hope you have enjoyed the glorious weather we have had this year. So much needs to be caught up on in Long Branch after being away a couple of weeks that I have not fully unpacked after 10 days! Application Status * New Applications 30 38th Street (2) 2 storey singles with central right of […]

Complaint alleges Ward 5 Councillor Justin Di Ciano may have benefited ‘financially and politically’ from developer” (CBC Oct. 14, 2016)

An Oct. 14, 2016 CBC article by CBC investigative reporter John Lancaster is entitled: “Justin Di Ciano’s ties to Dunpar Homes under investigation: Complaint alleges Di Ciano may have benefited ‘financially and politically’ from developer.” The opening paragraphs read: The city of Toronto’s integrity commissioner has launched an investigation into Etobicoke councillor Justin Di Ciano’s ties […]