City moves to protect heritage of former St. Agnes Anglican Church in Long Branch (Toronto)

An April 12, 2016 article is entitled: “City moves to protect heritage of former St. Agnes Anglican Church in Long Branch.” Subhead reads: “Developer working with city heritage staff on an ‘adaptive reuse’ of church for residential development,” Our thanks to Sid Olvet for informing us of this link.  

Dangerous driving conditions at Fortieth Street and Lake Shore Blvd. West in Long Branch

On April 5, 2016 I sent the following message to Mark Grimes. If you live in Ward 6, and have a concern about this topic, please send a message to his office also. My message to the Councillor’s Office: Good evening Councillor Grimes: I wish to add my voice to the voices of other residents […]

Mississauga Business Times article (February 2008) describes how the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project came to be

The source for the article and editorial highlighted at the current blog post is an online archive at the University of Toronto: Rising From the Ashes Development that takes into account the interests of local residents I’ve written about topics related to Lakeview on many occasions in the past. I am highly impressed with projects currently […]

Conserving Long Branch (Toronto) – April 2016 update from David Godley

The following text is from David Godley: Long Branch is being invaded! Soldier Houses are on the march! 
They have already established bridgeheads throughout the Neighbourhood. 3 storey twin houses on narrow lots are disfiguring beautiful and engaging Long Branch in direct contravention of the Official Plan. OMB approvals have spawned many more applications particularly […]

Innovative mapping technology tells story of Hurricane Hazel and current flood management systems

Update A July 12, 2017 CBC article is entitled: Don’t drain the swamp: report says wetlands help avert flood damage: Study says leaving wetlands in their natural state can help protect communities from severe flooding.” [End]   The following text, from a March 23, 2017 TRCA news release that I learned about on March 24, […]

Travel report from David Godley: “The Real Costa Rica”

I am pleased to share the following travel report from David Godley. Please note that previous travel reports from David can be accessed through the link at the previous sentence. The Real Costa Rica WestJet Airline suggests that Canadians should discover the natural beauty of Costa Rica including the tropical rain forests, crystal blue oceans […]

March 2016 update from David Godley: “Long Branch is now Ground Zero”

The following text is from David Godley of Long Branch: Long Branch is now Ground Zero for severances in Canada Almost one application a week represents what seems to be the most concentrated neighbourhood for severance applications. With 83% odds of developers (and some homeowners) getting approval at the OMB as well as additional approvals […]

The 10th Annual Jane’s Walk Festival is just two months away!

For a message from the Jane’s Walk organization entitled “The 10th Annual Jane’s Walk Festival is just two months away!”, click here. In years past, I’ve organized Jane’s Walks in collaboration with Mike James of Niagara-on-the-Lake. I no longer lead walks but am keen to help other people to organize them.  

Great Snowy White Owl on Thirty Fifth Street in Long Branch (Toronto)

We owe thanks to John Easton for forwarding this photo and the following Feb. 23, 2016 message from Steve of Long Branch: Hi Neighbours. Check this out. This beautiful owl kept warm from 9am to 3pm on the chimney of [a house on] Thirty Fifth Street today. Have never seen one in the Long Branch […]