Recent report, indicating half of Perth-Huron households earn less than a living wage, gives rise to reflections; I have shared a 2017 EKOS report about shifting meaning of middle class

Seth: A Life, All Play: Exhibit at the Art Gallery of Guelph, 358 Gordon Street, Guelph, ON – Sept. 12 to Dec. 15, 2019

Shakespeare concerned himself with intersection of metaphor and materiality. Also at this post: Rezoning application for 457 Richmond Street West, Toronto, now at Divisional Court

Once you try fresh bread from Downie Street Bakehouse in Stratford, you realize what ‘real’ bread tastes like

One-time free copy of Photographic Canadiana available at this link from Photographic Historical Society of Canada

On June 18, 2019 the National Trust for Canada released its newest list of endangered places across Canada

One of life’s great pleasures is going for a walk in Stratford, while leaving the iPhone or camera at home

Hoffmeyer’s Mill in Sebringville, Ontario, serves a specialized, niche market for reproductions of doors and windows for century-old houses