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An informal get-together for MCHS 2015 attendees (and other MCHS grads) will take place on Oct. 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Stay Inn

Conference Room at Stay Inn On Sept. 21, 2015 we received confirmation that the Conference Room at the Stay Inn is indeed available for us starting at 7:30 pm on Friday evening, Oct. 16, 2015. At that time and location, we will have an informal getting-together of alumni and spouses who will be attending the reunion on the […]


August 2015 Update from David Godley – Keeping Long Branch Long Branch

The following text is from David Godley: Greetings Long Branch Residents Incremental progress is being made in stemming the destruction of Long Branch character. Please feel free to ask for clarification or additional information. Urban Design Study As noted previously, Long Branch is to be an urban design pilot study by consultants. Once completed it can […]


Additional Music Links (2)

Links from Charles Tsiang “Glen Campbell,” Charles notes, “played guitar with the Wrecking Crew before he made it on his own. We were listening to him in the 60’s before we knew it. Wonderful to see this PBS special.” Glen Campbell In Concert In Sioux Falls Links from Gina Davis Cayer (see also links from […]


Would a workplace without managers work?

A July 29, 2015 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Holacracy: Would a workplace without managers work?” The article highlights an approach to getting things done that strongly appeals to me. In 30 years of volunteer work, it’s been my anecdotal experience that what I like to call a flat-hierachy approach to getting things done […]


Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) shares more details about MCHS Alumni in B.C. and elsewhere

At a previous post, entitled Cheryl Vince’s favourite teachers at Malcolm Campbell High School included a principal and a vice-principal, Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) wrote a comment for Cheryl Vince and Ruth MacLeod. The comment from Sue Brady, who was in Mrs. Dunwoodie’s 11B (Latin) class, which I have featured in a separate post, included the […]