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1877 search results for: new toronto


Graeme Decaries discusses what we know and don’t know about the British Royal family (especially as it relates to 1930s)

Over the past year, we’ve had many online conversations with Graeme Decarie, who taught history at Malcolm Campbell High School in the early years of the school’s existence. Graeme has added much to my own understanding of the history of Cartierville and Saraguay among other places. My site would have many fewer page visits, and many […]


The Rise and Fall of English Montreal (1993) was an NFB film for which Graeme Decarie was historical advisor and occasional commentator

Updates A May 2017 CBC interactive webpage is entitled: “Montreal is 375 years old, but how old are its buildings?” A May 17, 2017 Montreal Gazette article is entitled: “Montreal’s history did not start 375 years ago.” [End]   We have previously featured posts in which Bob Hill’s research about the English presence in Quebec has […]


PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St.

The following message is from David Godley: Good morning Residents of Long Branch. This [the text below] has been circulated to key politicians and some press. There is no real chance of changing the decision. Greetings from Long Branch PL140761 Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approves 3 storey houses with double the density 48 35th St. […]


Executive Function and Child Development (2013)

Sometimes I do a good job of getting things done, but sometimes I could do better. For that reason, I’ve been reading about executive function. Executive Function and Child Development (2013) The following text is from p. 8 of Executive Function and Child Development (2013): “In recent years there has been a surge of interest in […]