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511 search results for: Heritage Toronto


Please write an email in support of the designation of Mimico Estates under Ontario Heritage Act. The item is on the agenda for Apr 9 Community Council meeting.

I strongly urge you to write an email in support of the designation discussed below. The following message of March 27, 2013 is from the City Clerk’s Office: On April 9, 2013, starting at 9:30 a.m.The Etobicoke York Community Council will meet in The Council Chamber, Main Floor, Etobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West Mall. The […]


Aviation in Canada: The Pioneer Decades (2008) provides overview of Curtiss flying school at Long Branch, near Toronto

Aviation in Canada: The Pioneer Decades (2008) by Larry Milberry is described as “the first general interest book dedicated to Canada’s beginnings in flight.” I became interested in the book as a result of receiving a JPEG file of a photo (see below) by Bob Lansdale of a photo of the “Y” Squadron air crew, Long Branch. […]


Historically significant places of worship are usually closely linked with their faith communities, according to the Ontario Heritage Act

This post concerns the relationship between places of worship and the faith communities that are associated with them. According to an Ontario Heritage Toolkit document, “place of worship” is an inclusive term that encompasses: churches mosques synagogues temples chapels such as within convents or seminaries shrines, meeting houses, or other places of assembly for religious […]


Ontario’s heritage places of worship may be characterized as living cultural heritage resources

This blog post concerns Heritage Places of Worship: A Guide to Conserving Heritage Places of Worship in Ontario Communities. As I understand, this is an Ontario Heritage Tool kit document. You can access the PDF file of the guide by clicking here. Alternatively you can access the file by clicking on the following link: Heritage_Tool_Kit_Places_of_Worship The […]


Wynne responds to wind concerns. And heritage is raised. Message from Tom Millar.

The following message if from Tom Millar of Toronto: Hello….I’m e-passing this onto you because there is a public comment made by a concerned group that raises heritage in the context of ‘green energy’…..At last! and also reported by local media/newspaper “Wynne responded to a letter from Gillan Richards, executive member of Save Ontario’s Algoma Region (SOAR), […]


Petition to City of Cambridge – Save the historic Black Bridge! Petition by Heritage Cambridge

I strongly support the heritage efforts of Tom Millar of Toronto, who is active in projects involving heritage preservation in Ontario’s cottage country and elsewhere. The following message is from Tom Millar: Online petition now at 176 signatures! Please share and sign before we meet with #cbridge council in April. … and please share this […]