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511 search results for: heritage toronto


Comments from David Godley regarding OMB

The following message is from David Godley, a resident of Long Branch (Toronto not New Jersey): Thank you for inviting comment on the Ontario planning system in which I have been involved as a planner since 1974. These comments are mainly on predictability, transparency and accountability and citizen engagement. They are from the Toronto neighbourhood […]


Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret ( – Nov. 28, 2013)

A Nov. 28, 2013 post regarding the Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret in Vancouver begins as follows: The Smilin’ Buddha Cabaret at 109 East Hastings Street was at the centre of Vancouver’s changing entertainment scene for decades. The venue adapted to the evolving tastes of Vancouverites, hosting a variety of musical acts, from big band to psychedelic rock to punk and […]


Colonel Samuel Smith Park and address on Thirty Ninth Street in Long Branch featured in wiretap evidence

I was interested to learn that a recent police report related to Rob Ford’s activities mentions Colonel Samuel Smith (misspelled in the report as “Colonial Samuel’s”) Park. The report notes (p. 22 in the PDF file, which is p. 51 of the original document) that the mayor fabricated a story in which he claimed to have […]


Message from Wesley Mimico redevelopment project (Nov. 16, 2013)

The following message is from Wesley Mimico Place: Heritage Designation of Wesley Mimico United Church passes City Council, and Planning Negotiations Proceed On November 13, 2013, Toronto City Council approved the heritage designation of Wesley Mimico United Church.  This approvalconfirmed the decision of Etobicoke York Community Council last month. Now the church and the City Planning department have […]


Comment regarding Wesley Mimico redevelopment project (EYCC meeting, Oct. 17, 2013)

By way of offering comment regarding the Wesley Mimico redevelopment project at 2 Station Road, in connection with the Oct. 17, 2013 Etobicoke York Community Council meeting, I’ve sent the following email (see below) to the following councillors: Comment regarding 2 Station Road I support efforts to […]


The Technique of Film Editing (1968) is a classic text for film students

The following text is based upon a previous post entitled Drug Wars (2013) updates. It focuses and enlarges upon themes related to editing, contextualization, and management of attention and emotional response in accordance with principles of instrumental reason in a machine in the garden era. Film history We are dealing with history, and its conceptualization. Heritage […]