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50 search results for: Drug Wars


World Health Organization recommends that no more than 5 percent of your caloric intake – that is, 25 grams – should come from sugar

I often drive by 198 New Toronto St. in south Etobicoke where Lantic Sugar is located. The first link in the sentence above gives you a Google Street view of the location. The second link gives you an overview describing how sugar is refined. Whenever I drive by the Lantic Sugar plant, I think of […]


Evidence-based practice and the eradication of science

I have an interest in evidence-based practice. When scientific data and research are under threat, each of us as a citizen is under threat. In an earlier post, I’ve discussed the role of fraud in relation to scientific credentials. At the latter post, I’ve shared the following information: Fake academic credentials In general, claims of factuality […]


Canadians more attached to their country than people of any other advanced democracy on Earth: survey (Toronto Star, Dec. 7, 2013)

A Dec. 7, 2013 Toronto Start article is entitled: “Canada: It really is our home and native land.” The subhead reads: “Canadians are more attached to their country than the people of any other advanced democracy on Earth: survey.” Although the headline doesn’t reflect this theme, the article also refers to research suggesting that “the […]


Mobile phones kill more drivers than booze does, police say, sparking long weekend crackdown (Aug. 30, 2013 Globe and Mail)

Updates A Jan. 30, 2014 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Distracted driving now deadlier than impaired driving.” A Feb. 4, 2014 CBC article is entitled: “Cellphone use behind the wheel could be stopped with technology.” The subhead reads: “Distracted driving’s potential to kill or injure others needs preventive policy now, Canadian doctors say.” An […]