Entries by Jaan Pill

Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s Update November 7, 2012

The following message is from Wagdin, Debbie <Debbie.Wagdin@tdsb.on.ca> sent on behalf of Trustee Pamela Gough: Ward 3 Trustee Pamela Gough’s Update November 7, 2012 This is a special issue of the newsletter to update you on the possibility of strike action in high schools resulting from provincially-led labour relations issues. At last Saturday’s People for Education […]

Closing of Mr. Christie’s Bakery

Update A July 7, 2016 post is entitled: On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes [End of update]   I learned about the closing of the Mr. Christie’s Bakery when I read an email message from a person who’s on the email distribution list […]

The Lake Shore Blvd. bridge is located near the Mississauga-Toronto border: November 2010 photo overview

The following overview, related to the reconstruction project outlined in a previous blog post, is from the following October 12, 2012 TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) document (click on the link below to open it): ExecutiveCommitteeAgenda#08-12_October12_2012 City of Toronto [Etobicoke York Community Council Area] EX10.40 CITY OF TORONTO To construct, reconstruct, erect or place […]

Ontario Energy Board consumer awareness campaign

A previous blog post referred to energy scammers. By way of a follow-up on this item, I’m pleased to share with you the text of a news release from the Ontario Energy Board regarding energy scams: OEB_news_release_campaign_2012.08.13 We owe thanks to Phil Gray for bringing this topic, and this news release, to our attention. News […]

Lake Shore Boulevard bridge reconstruction (October 2012)

Below is the text of a recent notice regarding the Lake Shore Boulevard bridge, from the PDF document available the City of Toronto construction information website. The original PDF includes a photo of the underside of the current version of the bridge: public-notice-lakeshore-oct25-12 Rather than using that photo, I’ve posted one of my own. I’ve […]