What takes place in Europe now underlines the continuity of history going back to 1945

At the HealthyDebate website, I’ve found a powerful rebuttal to a lengthy Jan. 22, 2022 Globe and Mail article about COVID-19

Are there cultural differences, in how Mississauga and Toronto go about dealing with land use planning processes?

History is related to historiography, which is concerned with how history gets to be written

Comments from residents and developers regarding draft of new City of Toronto laneway housing bylaw: Part 3

A Dec. 22, 2021 CBC article is entitled: “Hidden behind buildings, the last of Mimico’s opulent lakefront estates is still standing: Myrtle Villa was owned by businessman James Franceschini from 1925 to 1950”

What role (if any) does religion play with regard to trends in COVID-19 vaccination rates worldwide?

Hayden Bulbrook outlines the history of heritage houses (now under threat of demolition) along Stratford, Ontario heritage corridor

Nov. 6, 2021 CBC News Second Opinion article: COVID-19 spreads through the air. Here’s what you can do about it this winter. “Canada is now an outlier in terms of not acknowledging transmission through the air.”