Niagara-on-the-Lake news update: “Marotta abandons Rand heritage court challenge”: March 17, 2021 report from Save Our Randwood Estate (SORE)

Most interesting Zoom talk is scheduled for March 24, 2021 regarding history of Yonge Street presented by the North York Historical Society; also at this post: notes about the history of flight

Revisiting the Jane’s Walk principles in 2021: Text from Jane’s Walk website, to which I’ve added commentary

The issues related to a proposal for a homeless shelter near Islington Ave. on Lake Shore Blvd. West give rise to many insights

Poor reading, writing and numeracy skills in adults make up a literacy gap in Canada with consequences for both democracy and the economy: CBC, Jan. 17, 2021

Provinces that acted faster (in alignment with public health science) have done better dealing with COVID-19

Dr. Chaim Bell Has shared a Dec. 25 2020 Twitter thread which I am pleased to pass along

Creative Visualization (1979) by Shakti Gawain outlines how to create your inner sanctuary, in the event you need one

Strongly held belief systems largely untethered from data give rise to exponential increases in COVID-19 infection rates

To address bullying, we need to apply what has been learned from observational studies of children at play