Jane’s Walk seeks volunteers for May 4 and May 5 walks across Toronto

Following message is from Jane’s Walk: Volunteer recruitment We’ve got over 50 volunteers signed up and ready to take pictures on the Walks, act as Walk Marshalls helping the group to stay together without blocking busy sidewalks, and so forth… but we’d like to have enough to have a volunteer at every Jane’s Walk! With 119 Jane’s […]

33 Forty First Street Application in Long Branch offers an opportunity for networking among residents

I learned of the severance proposal for 33 Forty First Street just recently. Hearing Date: Thursday, April 25 , 2013 1:00 p.m. Council Chambers – 399 The West Mall, Etobicoke Civic Centre I’ve been focused upon other projects including the upcoming Long Branch Jane’s Walk on May 4 and May 5, 2013, starting on each […]

Long Branch Jane’s Walk takes place May 4 and May 5, 2013 starting 10:30 am Marie Curtis Park each day

We’ve posted information at the Jane’s Walk website regarding two Long Branch Jane’s Walks that Mike James and Jaan Pill will lead on the first weekend of May 2013. The first walk, on Saturday, May 4, 2013, is from Etobicoke Creek to the Lakeshore Hospital Grounds. The walk starts at 10:30 am at the East […]

Malcolm Archer requests that residents send comments regarding mature tree at 168 Lake Promenade in Long Branch

Malcolm Archer has shared with us the following information: [To access the information posted on the front lawn of 168 Lake Promenade, please click on the photo (see below) a couple of times to enlarge it. The deadline for comments is May 2, 2013.] Malcolm Archer writes: Plans to build two large houses will result in […]

Built from 1912 to 1930, Henderson motorcycles became popular with police forces

In a previous blog post, I referred to information we’ve acquired from Jim Carr and C.M. O’Marra regarding the motorcycle in the photo (above) taken at about 1927 at Etobicoke Creek. It’s one of the photos we are using to publicize the May 4 and 5, 2013 Jane’s Walks in Long Branch. The illustration below […]

David Switzer of Long Branch shares comments regarding Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Environmental Assessment

With regard to a previous blog post regarding ‘Beach’ plans for the Lakeview – and Long Branch – side of Marie Curtis Park, I’ve asked David Switzer of Long Branch for permission to share comments he has shared with me by email. He said: “Yes you can publish my comments as long as you include that […]

The Tyburn Walk is a traditional English event occurring on the first Sunday in May

In a previous blog post I described what Steve Roud (2006) has characterized as a traditional English event occurring in the first Saturday in May. That is a day that corresponds with Saturday, May 4, 2013. In the context of the Sunday, May 5, 2013 Jane’s Walk in South Long Branch, we turn next to what […]

‘Beach’ plans for the Lakeview – and Long Branch – side of Marie Curtis Park

Update: This topic is also discussed in another blog post. It’s also discussed at this blog post highlighting comments from David Switzer of Long Branch. I didn’t have the opportunity to attend the recent consultation about the Lakeview Waterfront Connection Project Environmental Assessment in Mississauga. It’s my understanding, however, that one of the options would involve […]

Whatever happened to the Colonel Smith homestead artifacts found in 1984?

C. O’Marra writes: Did you ever find out what happened to the Colonel Smith homestead artifacts found almost thirty years ago? I read an incredibly detailed description of the dig. The only maddening thing. Not ONE blessed word of artifacts found, not one. Why all the secrecy? Was this a private company project ? (C. […]

Gawthorpe Celebrations is a traditional English holiday event occurring on the first Saturday in May

As Eric Hobsbawm has remarked in a classic study, The invention of tradition (1983), traditions don’t spring out of nowhere. They have to be invented. The same can be said of nation states, which Benedict Arnold famously spoke of as imagined communities. As a March 28, 2013 Globe and Mail article indicates, sometimes these imagined communities have a limited impact on […]