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1176 search results for: Ontario


Would a workplace without managers work?

A July 29, 2015 Globe and Mail article is entitled: “Holacracy: Would a workplace without managers work?” The article highlights an approach to getting things done that strongly appeals to me. In 30 years of volunteer work, it’s been my anecdotal experience that what I like to call a flat-hierachy approach to getting things done […]


The OMB’S 7 Deadly Sins: Message from David Godley of Long Branch, Toronto

An earlier post is entitled: Amalgamated Toronto Provincial Review – Template for submission. Deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Please write a letter today. Please refer to the above-noted post. Your opinion matters, regarding the Review that is now under way; please let you views be known. Please send your comments to the address indicated; the […]


Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) shares more details about MCHS Alumni in B.C. and elsewhere

At a previous post, entitled Cheryl Vince’s favourite teachers at Malcolm Campbell High School included a principal and a vice-principal, Sue (Robinson) Brady (MCHS ’64) wrote a comment for Cheryl Vince and Ruth MacLeod. The comment from Sue Brady, who was in Mrs. Dunwoodie’s 11B (Latin) class, which I have featured in a separate post, included the […]


Amalgamated Toronto Provincial Review – Template for submission. Deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Please write a letter today.

A previous post, that is connected with the current post, is entitled: Municipal Legislation Review deadline is Aug. 7, 2015. Make your views known! Information about the Municipal Legislation Review can be accessed here. [Conclusion of opening text from Jaan Pill] The following message is from David Godley: I have been asked to prepare a […]