An occasional Newsletter from Preserved Stories.

Mississauga has chosen to avoid high-rise condominiums along the Mississauga waterfront

In recent weeks I’ve attended three community events in two cities. In each case, I attended the event toward the end, after much of it was over. Mimico 20/20 Open House, Nov. 8, 2012 I arrived as the meeting was wrapping up. The City of Toronto planning staff were welcoming and friendly, a quality that I […]

Anishinaabe First Nations in the War of 1812 (Nov. 14, 2012) ; OPSBA letter; Toronto’s new chief city planner shares views on walking to school (Dec. 5, 2012)

Heritage Toronto has informed us of an upcoming lecture on Wednesday, November 14th, at 7 p.m., titled “Anishinaabe First Nations in the War of 1812,” given by Alan Ojiig Corbiere, former Executive Director of the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation in M’Chigeng, Manitoulin Island: 1812 Corbiere Lecture Due to limited seating, please RSVP to *** OPSBA […]

Nov. 7, 2012: Toronto Star story regarding Mr. Christie’s Bakery

Christie’s Bakery workers devastated by job loss, will fight condo development  

Trees for Life is concerned with the health value of trees

Whenever I hear about a project such as Trees for Life, I attend very closely. The following information is from an October 26, 2012 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) document (pp. 58-61), which you can access by clicking on the following link: AuthorityAgenda#08-12_October26_2012 I recently attended an all-day conference in Toronto based on the […]

Closing of Mr. Christie’s Bakery

Update A July 7, 2016 post is entitled: On July 12, 2016 Toronto City Council Agenda: Investigation Report Regarding Conduct of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes [End of update]   I learned about the closing of the Mr. Christie’s Bakery when I read an email message from a person who’s on the email distribution list […]

Moose stops to observe visitors on country road then continues on its way

During the summer of 2012, a moose stopped to have a look while crossing a country road. After spending some time observing visitors on the road, it continued on its way. To enlarge each image, click on it. Click again to enlarge it further. Use your ‘Back’ button to return to the page you are […]

Pankaj Mishra describes the arrival of modernity in South Asia

The arrival of modernity has occurred at different times in different places. Prior to postmodernity, as Burke (2005) has noted, modernity held the stage. Charles Taylor, in Malaise of modernity (1992), highlights the cultural origins of modernity. Theodore Rabb, in The last days of the Renaissance and the path to modernity (2006) also outlines the steps to modernity. With regard to […]

Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells

Update: It may be added that the concept of a networked society is appealing but has limitations. [End of update]   I’ve borrowed a Toronto Public Library copy of Communication power (2009) by Manuel Castells. I borrowed it after reading Burke (2005). As noted in the latter link, Castells argues that networks constitute the new ‘social […]

Jane Jacobs “helped us see that roads and buildings and streetscapes encapsulated information”

I like Alice Munro’s comparison between her way of reading a short story, and the experience a person has when visiting somebody’s house. We all know how a house works, she remarks in the anthology entitled The art of the short story (2206), and “how it encloses space and makes connections between one enclosed space and another and […]